Support dance

Support Dance As written in the title, is the purpose of the dance to support ‘processes by means of an alfabeth-mudra dance

Support can be : clearing, leading in, promoting transformation/consciousnessexpansion/healing/change..before or after a meditation-, seasonritual-, liferitual-, party-, initiationritual-, course-,energyplaceritual- happening

Like in a alfabeth-mudra healing session I will dance in a circle, in the space/environment where the event will take place, a while before the event , or after the event (f.i. when a clearing after it is required as well)

Also a specific energy of support can be asked for f.i. a promoting of solidarity, sense of belonging, inspiration etc. The focus in the dance will then be this specific energy besides a focus my guides consider to be ‘healing’.

More information about the alphabet-mudra’s and alphabet-mudra dance you will find clicking on “word”, “therapies” : alphabet-mudra’s, “offer” : alphabet-mudra healing session.


Tarifs : believers : 19 Euro (about an hour and a half – this is the time it takes currently before, after an event/ritual.)
Nonbelievers, doubters, curious ones,tasters… : a free contribution, nothing is possible too. Recommended price : 6 Euro. All this to promote this form of support/healing.
All prices : transport costs excluded.

General Remark going with the tarifs :

My base price is 12-13 Euro/hour but/and often I spend more hours at a certain offer, more then I charge….because I am often some kind of volunteer(not always but often). I talk about this fact because people should have some awareness about the real value of some offers.

Further I find it important that each one can receive what he/she needs, no matter what kind of income they have. Therefore the price is negotiable…when it ‘really’ is not possible to pay the price asked for…and each one desides this for himself , in harmony with his/her conscience. But when it really is not possible please don’t hesitate to negotiate for a discount (even nothing can when one’s situation is very difficult).
What the disbelievers is concerned : those one’s too deside for themselves , in harmony with their conscience, iff they are really a disbeliever or not.